Five diet tips you may not have heard of

"Diet and exercise are the keys to losing weight and staying fit"

Sounds familiar?


Even though most of the diet tips and tricks have a lot in common, there are some facts (personally experienced) which can be surprising for many.

1. It is OKAY to eat some of the good fats

Fats; animal or plant, are essential for your body and so are the oils. If you wish to have a glowing skin eat the milk fat. It will give your skin the baby suppleness which you would miss out on once you leave out all the fats and oils from your diet.

This means that eating yogurt (fresh yogurt) is perfectly fine, as is the consumption of fresh milk with a little bit of fat.

2. Things that you 'have' to leave

Soft drinks. Totally. If you are an avid cola consumer and love soft drinks it would be wise to initially lower the daily consumption and then gradually leave the drinks completely.

3. Replacing the 'white' with the 'brown'

Yes you have heard of this one but this is actually very important. Not just for weight loss but for a healthier you. Non-complex and simple carbs break down very easily, do not satisfy you hunger well and are overall bad for you. The complex carbs contain dietary fiber which fights against constipation, promotes healthy liver function and makes you full easily.

4. Eat Everything

This is by far one of the most important things. Tried and tested. Once you start being too hard on yourself and leave out on a lot of things you wish you can eat, you make it terribly hard for yourself to maintain such a routine. Eat everything but in smaller portions. You see your friend munching fries, it is okay to eat a few. Treat yourself with chocolate cake, brownies, even burgers at times. It is alright. As long as you know that you're not doing it very often, you can console your tummy that you're giving it everything it wants, at the same time you'd be just pecking on the fattening goodies but with a happy heart.

5. Understanding the 'body clock'

Timing your food is more important than counting the calories. Yes, food timing can turn even the most cautious of diet routines into an ineffective method of losing weight.

Late night eating, sleeping right after dinner, having dessert right after a meal and eating fruits after you have stuffed yourself with lunch or dinner is totally unacceptable.

Have fruits half an hour before the meal or an hour afterwards. Have your dessert in quite the same way.

Keeping these tips in mind while you're on a diet will ensure a safer, more enjoyable and easier method of losing weight without losing interest.


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